Press Release Summary = Come to and do ryxing: Find and discuss information about soft and hard.
Press Release Body = Let me teach new a new word, and a new useful activity this word is for. The word is \"ryxing\", and there was no concrete man who invented it, because the word arrived spontaneously.
\"Ryxing\" is when you can\'t tune your Windows options - and you know where to find solution. \"Ryxing\" is when you run into problems with Linux/FreeBSD administration - and you go to place where problems would be solved. \"Ryxing\" is discussing specific traits of this or those videocard. And (last but not least), \"ryxing\" is just pleasant and interesting conversations with intelligent people. All you need to do ryxing is to go to website. is just a place where any software- and hardware-related issues can be talked over with thousands of fascinating and qualified people. Admins would find others to talk about their Linux, BSD or Solaris tuning. Users would find somebody to ask any \"dumb\" question about CD-burning, printers and scanners usage, webcams and digital TV, and even games cheats. Overclockers and drivers specialists would find discussions on their interests, and even small but strong OS/2-lovers community exists.
Come to and do ryxing: Find and discuss information about soft and hard.